Aqueous Digital


If you’re looking for an award-winning Cheshire based SEO company who can make a difference to your business, just pick up the phone for a chat.

We’re friendly, down-to-earth, and eager to help. We’ll even start out with an audit and review of your website for free. We can then advise you on your best overall digital marketing strategy and the best tactics to use.

Specialist SEO services for Chester businesses

Why searching for SEO Chester is not all it seems

Have you ever wondered why all the other search results that you are going to find for ‘SEO Chester’ say the same thing?

We know who they are, many of them personally. On the whole, they are wonderful people and no matter whether they are an SEO Consultant or an SEO Company in Chester, they will be telling you how wonderful they are and how they can definitely help you sort out your SEO.

Undoubtedly there will be promises of results, case studies of customers who they have worked with and even perhaps the offer of something ‘free’ like a website review.

So, why are you still not convinced? Why are you still looking?

The truth is that when everyone is saying the same thing, who can you believe? By what criteria should you be choosing a partner to work with on your SEO? Does it even make a difference who you choose?

Let’s see if we can bring a bit of clarity to these questions, by starting with how search works.


Why did you search for ‘SEO Chester’?

The chances are you are either looking for a provider or you are a competitor of ours (in which case hello!), but the reality is that this isn’t really a very well searched phrase on Google.

Search has evolved and honestly, adding the word Chester to the end of your search if you are based in or around Chester, is pointless. Google already knows where you are and probably, knows what you are looking for.

This is because the way search engines deliver their results is completely different from the way you think.

For example, do you know that the search you are doing now and the one someone does in the next street to you may bring back completely different results, even though you may both search for exactly the same thing?

So, if you search for SEO Chester and the business next door searches for SEO Chester then chances are the results will differ. Same applies for SEO Consultants or any other search term you can think of.

You might also find that the image on this page is in the ‘images’ search on Google for SEO Chester, not because it represents SEO in Chester but more because we’ve tagged it as such. It’s actually dinghy’s off the west coast of Barbados during Regatta week. Not the River Dee, but close?

Searches with a location popped on the end really don’t receive the same volume as search terms without a location, but why? Search has, and continues to, evolve and adding ‘Chester’ to the end of your search phrase is unlikely to generate vastly different search results.

This is because search doesn’t work the way you think it does. Even if your next-door neighbour searches for the same phrase as you do, it’s highly likely you’ll have different results.

The reason is quite simple. Search Engines these days don’t just serve you a result based on the words you type (or speak), they use a range of other variables.

For example, Google uses factors such as where you are located based on your IP address, your previous search history and whether you have visited a particular website before, how often you make the search, when you last made the search, and what device you are searching on to name a few.

On top of this, it can pull in additional information if you are logged into your Google account as it can see whether you have sent or received any emails from any of the web addresses which are in their search results, and if you have, it may choose to push that particular website higher in the results it shows you.

And if you use a Gmail account Google can and will read your emails to see if this page matches with something

We think so. When you understand the complexities of SEO, as we do, it doesn’t make sense to then offer world domination in two weeks for just £99. It’s a bit more strategic than that.

SEO is an art and a science, and it takes knowledge, creativity and commitment to appear on the first Google page for your chosen search terms.

We’ll get you there, but it’s a journey, not a sprint, and we’d be with you every step.

Aqueous Digital…because search never sleeps

As Google’s search results are often device-specific, knowing which device to use to make your enquiries can make all the difference. For PCs and Mac devices, your IP address will be used to pinpoint your location (unless you’re signed into your Google account).

If you prefer to search using your mobile phone, you’ll need to sign into our Google account to give the search engine access to your GPS coordinates. With all this information readily available, Google can give you the very best search results based on your exact location.

Actually Google is now assuming you won’t include that information. In October 2014 it released a change to its UK algorithm dubbed the ‘Pigeon’ update. This provided broad search queries with more locally based results.

Now, if you really want to confuse Google, try doing a search on your mobile whilst on a train. We tested this recently, searching simply for ‘cake shop’. Google returned a cake shop near our office, a couple in Oxfordshire, based on our location whilst on the train, and a couple in Liverpool and Manchester, based on where we had been in recent weeks.

So whilst searchers are inherently lazy (that’s you and me by the way, sorry about that) search engines will continue to try and find a way to get the result we are really looking for by using additional information to help them best guess our intent. Whatever device, location and search methodology, search engines need to figure out what you want, quickly.

Ironically though as they get better we get lazier and so when you’re looking for your local Solicitor, Accountant or Mercedes Dealer in Chester you no longer have to put in the word Chester, although it might help.

Try a search with and without the word ‘Chester’ and see how different the results look.

If you’re in Chester and looking for an SEO Agencyget in touch.

Why are we different? It’s quite simple, really: we’re all about you.

We don’t brag about the high-profile customers we have, we don’t put links on your site to ours, we don’t make useless promises of search engine domination, and we definitely don’t guarantee to get you to the top of Google for just £99!

Local Chester SEO

Eager to learn more about Aqueous Digital?

Local to the Chester area? Contact Aqueous Digital today.

Instead of bragging about our well-known customers, sneaking links onto your site from ours, and promising you’ll be flooded with traffic from day one, we pride ourselves on being honest and transparent.

Most importantly, we care about helping you and your and Chester business to grow because if you succeed, we do, too. No matter what service or product you’re hoping to rank for, the fact you’re reading this proves our specialist SEO strategies really work.

Simply call us today on 0800 285 1424 to find out more.

As a family-run SEO and digital marketing agency, we have decades of combined experience in this industry. Specialising in paid internet search (Google Ads)SEOcontent strategies, and even reputation management for high-net-worth individuals, we’ve helped countless clients grow their business.

Founded by Jonathan Guy and his wife Emma in 2011, Aqueous Digital is based entirely on trust, loyalty, and collaboration (TLC). These ethical values now sit at the core of our agency as we aim to differentiate ourselves from misleading and over-promising SEO agencies that don’t put their customers first.

Plus, we’ve won plenty of awards that prove we’re more than just words. From winning Best Small Integrated Search Agency at the prestigious UK Search Awards 2020 to being awarded Best Small Integrated Search Agency at the European Search Awards 2021, we’ve only gone from strength to strength.

For honest communication and real (and award-winning) results that can drive enquires, boost growth, and increase turnover, choose Aqueous Digital.

How much will SEO cost?

If you’ve moved past the early stages of setting up a business and are keen to grow by investing in various marketing avenues, we can help. As a trusted SEO company, the experienced team at Aqueous Digital can help you to drive engagement and organic traffic without blowing the budget.

If you’d like to find out more about specific SEO costs and services, please feel free to give our friendly team a call on 0800 285 1424 where we can discuss the best strategy to boost your business. Simply watch the video below to learn more about our SEO approach as explained by our Managing Director, Jonathan.

What do our customers say about us?

What’s it like working with Aqueous Digital? Find out today from our valued client, Jack Leigh, Director of Manchester based film company, Eight Engines!.

Searching for an SEO consultant in Chester ?

Say ‘hi’ today by emailing your enquiry to or giving us a call on 0800 285 1424!