Aqueous Digital

What is reputation management in SEO?

It’s every business owner’s nightmare. You’ve worked hard at establishing your business, made huge sacrifices of time and money, and created something you’re proud of. Then an unhappy or vindictive customer sets about trying to destroy everything you’ve built.

It doesn’t matter how hard you work and how high your standards are; it’s impossible to offer a perfect service all of the time. There are times when we all fall short.

Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to build a brand, but it’s definitely a double-edged sword.

In the digital age, bad publicity can get out of hand and, before you know it, your business suffers.


What is search engine reputation management?

One of the most common ways people will discover, and find out about, your business is through an internet search engine. SEO reputation management attempts to manage what the public sees about your business in search results. A variety of methods are deployed to ensure that your business is presented in the best possible light.

What is online reputation management in SEO?

SEO reputation management is focused on what appears on the search engine results page (SERP) and keyword performance. It tries to find intelligent ways to not only improve your SEO ranking, but to boost the impression your business name makes in search engine results. Are yours positive or negative, and if they’re the latter what can you do to change them?

You don’t have to passively accept negative results, nor do you have to resort to responding to bad reviews yourself.

That can be counterproductive, serving to highlight negative reviews even more.

Instead, there’s a range of strategies that can be deployed to counteract negative search engine results and to replace them with positive ones.


How does reputation management affect SEO?

It’s possible for a business to rank highly in Google search results for the wrong reasons. It’s the job of SEO reputation management to ensure that negative links and reviews don’t begin to dominate your business search presence.

It’s not just about countering the negative though. Reputation management is also proactive, and it’s the same where SEO is concerned. Proactive reputation management will work to ensure that positive links for your business feature highly in search engine results.


Negative SEO reputation management

It takes less than a second for someone to form an initial impression of your business based on search engine results. Eyes quickly scan what they see.

If it’s a low-star rating or a negative review that jumps out to them, then it’s likely in the next couple of seconds or so they’ll form a negative impression of your business.

With that in mind, if search engines are turning up negative links related to your business, then the impact can be devastating.

A poor first page of results can inflict losses on your business in the following areas:

  • Organic search traffic
  • Paid search traffic
  • Overall marking spend effectiveness
  • Profitability
  • Company value

The combined effect of these can be enough to put you out of business, which is why negative SEO reputation management is so important.


Local SEO reputation management

Managing how your business is perceived in your locality is key. Successful local businesses are often based on word of mouth. In smaller geographical areas, it’s easy for a reputation to be built.

Unfortunately, it’s also easier for a reputation to be compromised by bad reviews. You may have managed to optimise your local SEO to ensure that your business appears at the top of the first page of search results, but it stands for nothing if bad reviews are getting in the way.


SEO reputation management tips

SEO reputation management is an ongoing, long-term strategy rather than a quick fix.

There are a few things you can do to help foster a positive search engine reputation:

  • Ensure your business is represented across all the social media channels and post on them regularly.
  • Keep an eye on the review sites and see what’s posted there. Try to encourage happy customers to post positive reviews.
  • Create more positive content such as blogs, YouTube videos, guest posts, perhaps even local newspaper coverage of a new product or service.
  • Sponsor content elsewhere, such as a blog of a local influencer, parent blogger or local travel site. Invite influencers and bloggers to sample your products or services.


Reputation management SEO strategies

At Aqueous Digital, we develop ongoing reputation management SEO strategies for our customers.

We specialise in long-term solutions and prevention, as well as tackling any immediate short-term problems. We can help address pressing current issues where SEO reputation management is concerned, and then begin developing strategies to improve your reputation over the longer term.

Get in touch if you have any questions about reputation management, and to learn more about our professional services.  We specialise in reputation mangement for high and ultra-high-net-Worth Individuals.

You can reach us by calling 0800 285 1424, or email at

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