Aqueous Digital

Why Twitter’s Advanced Search is a #fail

Don’t get us wrong, we at Aqueous love Twitter. We use it extensively for both our own business but more importantly for our clients as well. So there are lots of really good things we love about it but occasionally we find something that simply needs to be improved.


This week we were looking to follow some businesses that are local to one of our clients so we went to use the Twitter Advanced Search option to target on a tight geographical location.


Imagine our disappointment when we found that we simply couldn’t use it.


The functionality built into Twitter searches automatically for your location but it appears to be set to resolves to your IP address which in our case, as we have a static IP, is nowhere near where we are based.
Not a problem we thought, we will simply input the location we want. Sadly however this failed as well and we were simply unable to use it.
The reason is quite simple; it’s not configured for the UK. The default is America and whoever has programmed it has failed to recognise that anyone would want to target Runcorn or Widnes. Try it yourself – they simply don’t exist.


What does exist is Halton. Amazing. No one in Runcorn or Widnes says they are from Halton as it was only created as a district in 1974, whereas Runcorn has history back to the Stone Age.


So come on Twitter, get some people familiar with the UK on your Advanced Search tool and help us all get connected better.

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