Aqueous Digital

Stupid spammers are simply giving SEO a bad name

Every week it’s the same. This week is no exception. The week has started with me having to go in and clear out what is ‘supposed’ to be a legitimate comment on a blog post only to find that it says;


“Very rapidly this website will be famous amid all blogging and site-building people, due to it’s good posts”


In this case the author is ???????????? and despite appearing to have a German email address they are trying to drop in a link to a Thai Facebook page promoting tours to Japan.


We’re not alone in this; client sites get this type of muck thrown at them every day and frankly it is simply giving SEO a bad name. If these people think firstly that this type of rubbish will actually work and secondly that it is legitimate link building then they are sadly mistaken. The most frustrating bit though is that this is what clients see on a daily basis and to some this becomes SEO.


No wonder the business has a poor reputation when muppets like this are still pushing out this type of muck.


A word of warming to all who would throw this type of rubbish at our sites; please don’t. We’re very nice people but are also more than happy to name and shame. Not only that we’re quite happy to share with your clients, who are the people you are pointing the links to, how your tactics are likely to get them banned. Best of luck with the contract after that.

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