Aqueous Digital

The power of testimonials

Everybody likes a bit of praise now and again, and it becomes even more powerful when it is completely unexpected. At Aqueous we generally go out of our way to help clients, our view being that  if someone needs help you should help them. Yesterday one of the team took a call and helped someone they had never met. This is what we received this morning;
Today, I was very fortunate to be recommended Jamie at Aqueous when I had an urgent technical problem with my laptop. After a 45 minute conversation with talk talk, my network provider, which did not resolve  the problem, and being told they would call me within 72 hours to discuss this further,  I was really panicking.  I need my laptop in order to work –  I work on-line on a website and need access to google docs also. It’s essential that my laptop is working as I can’t work otherwise. Jamie was extremely professional, friendly and helpful and even better offered sound advice which enabled me to fix the problem myself in less than 5 minutes! So thank you jamie for your help and I will definitely recommend you and all the team at Aqueous. Julie
What makes this extraordinary is that the technical fix was not something we do or advertise we do, and Julie wasn’t even a customer. Truly service above and beyond the norm. The prize for employee of the day goes to Jamie. Take tomorrow off…..What do you mean you’re on holiday anyway?? 027_ALT_IMG_9733 BW SQ

About Aqueous Digital

Aqueous Digital is an award-winning digital marketing agency built on honesty and integrity. Everything we do, we do it in pursuit of giving our customers the very best service and a clear return on investment.

To find out more about our award-winning SEO servicescontact us today.

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