Aqueous Digital

Our top 5 favourite SEO checklist infographics – the best of the best

With so many SEO ‘experts’ around these days it can be hard to determine whether the advice you are being offered is any good or not. More often than not, people like to summarise the data into simple checklists and these, of course, make for great infographics.

At Aqueous, we are keen on helping our customers understand what SEO is all about so that in time, they can do a large part of it themselves. You see, what is often overlooked is that if a website owner can do a lot of the basics themselves then firms like ours can add a lot more value attending to other areas of the Marketing mix.

On that basis, we have trawled through hundreds of infographics and come up with what we believe to be our Top 5 most useful SEO checklists. These are the ones that tell it simply, without lots of jargon and will add value to your day.

TL;DR – If you don’t like reading all the infographics then simply read our comments which are under the #headings

Unsurprisingly perhaps, many of the infographics out there simply didn’t make it to our list. Some were too old and had outdated information, some were just incorrect and could easily mislead you and others were just badly put together. In the end though, we settled on these as the best available so far.

#1 Handy SEO Checklist from Business2Community

We like this infographic as it has the most accurate and actionable advice of all of the ones we found. Clearly put together by someone who took the time to create something of value and bang up to date having been published in May 2016.

SEO Checklist

SEO Checklist

SEO Checklist

SEO Checklist

SEO Checklist

SEO Checklist


#2 Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimized Page from Backlinko

We are big fans of Brian’s work but he was pipped to the top slot in this case. His infographic makes it to number two though as it is clear, concise and highlights the very best practices around today. He also updates it whenever Google changes advice so it retains its value.

on page seo infographic

#3 On Page Checklist from Internetsearchinc

Simple, succinct and to the point, This great infographic lays out clearly the main things you should be looking at. We love it for its simplicity and for that reason it’s number three in our list.


#4 On page SEO checklist from Springboard Marketing

This one is unusual in that it is from 2013 and therefore the oldest by far in our list. Again we like the simplicity but also the fact that this one has really stood the test of time. Apart from the bit about keyword density, which has changed slightly (although their advice may still work in certain sectors and segments), this is still good solid advice. The Google authorship is an interesting point, as back in 2013 it was a big thing. Then Google stopped showing it although we continued to publish everything with this included. Recently (March 2016) Google has once again said that people should use it. It was a factor and may be one again but our rule is if you are proud of your work then sign it!. If this infographic has lasted this long there’s a good chance these guys and girls know their onions when it comes to SEO!


#5 Simple on Page SEO practices from Ontraport Design

This one doesn’t cover a great deal more or different from the others in the list but we like this for the layout and design. And of course the use of a dinosaur to explain ‘long tail’! Love it!


If you can’t see your favourite here, or more importantly you believe that yours should be a part of this list then why not comment below and let us know?

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