Aqueous Digital

How do most hackers get into your computer?

It seems like hardly a day goes by without another story of a data hack or breach and for most businesses this is a real and ongoing worry.

Small businesses are extremely vulnerable as when they are subject to any kind of ransomware attack, the ransom demanded is generally sufficient to put them out of business. Those holding you to ransom don’t actually care about company size, they care about extorting cash as quickly as possible.

But this infographic by Rivernet Computers shows that in reality it is the medium to large businesses that are most at risk. With 81% of breaches from hacking and 69% from malware, it shows that this is now big business and the biggest rise in Eastern European gangs targeting your computer.

So take precautions; install a virus checker (make sure you use it), be wary of anyone asking for passwords and above all don’t click on unknown attachments in your email. Hackers can only get in if you let them so take precautions!


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