Aqueous Digital

How do I create a FAQ schema?

Searching for more ways to make your website’s informative content appear in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) as a rich snippet?

Many businesses create a wide range of useful content for their customers, including in the form of a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section or page, but how can you increase the chances of them seeing this content? One solution is FAQ schema markup.

Below, the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) experts at Aqueous Digital explain how FAQ schema markup works, why websites use it, and how you can generate your own markup either manually or by using an FAQ schema generator tool.

What is the FAQ schema used for?

FAQ schema markup is simply a type of structured data that you can add to the code of a website. Search engines can then easily find and read this data to determine whether your website has an FAQ page pertaining to a particular topic.

Once search engines, like Google, have identified your FAQ page using the schema markup, they can present this information in the SERPs as a rich snippet for online users to read without actually clicking on the website itself.

Many websites with a good understanding of SEO will use FAQ schema markup to ensure more of their content appears in the SERPs for the right users, which ultimately raises brand awareness and helps their customers to receive answers to their specific questions as quickly and easily as possible.

How does FAQ schema work?

FAQ schema is simply a way of translating a set of frequently-asked questions and answers from a website into a language that search engines can easily understand (structured data). As a result, it can be used to help search engines turn this data into a rich snippet of helpful information that appears in the SERPs.

Does Google still use FAQ schema?

As Google and other search engines are always evolving, it’s important to continually question whether previous SEO techniques are still as useful for communicating with search engines as they were previously.

When it comes to the implementation of FAQ schema markup, this is particularly relevant as more recent guidance published on Google Search Console states that “FAQ (from FAQPage structured data) rich results will only be shown for well-known, authoritative government and health websites. For all other sites, this rich result will no longer be shown regularly.”

The search engine goes on to say that no longer implementing this type of structured data shouldn’t have an impact on your website, but there’s also no need to remove it either as it won’t cause any visible effects in Google Search.

However, even though Google is no longer including FAQs from the majority of websites in rich results (and you may therefore be tempted to avoid the schema markup process for this content), it can still be useful for providing other search engines with greater context and page information.

Get in touch with Aqueous Digital

At Aqueous Digital, our team of SEO professionals have extensive experience with the creation of schema markup to help websites improve their online presence, including FAQ schema markup.

Alongside the implementation of schema markup, there are many other ways that our SEO experts can support the success of your business. We specialise in both technical SEO and content strategies, helping to build brand awareness and ensure your site appears in all the right places.

If you’d like to learn more about SEO , please feel free to contact our friendly team today and schedule your free initial consultation.

While we welcome enquiries from all businesses across the UK, please feel free to call us on 0800 285 1424. Alternatively, you can also send us your enquiry via email at

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