Aqueous Digital

Facebook team up with Skype to offer Video Calling

Well, it’s official, Facebook announced yesterday their link up with Skype in a venture that sees the Social media giant attempt to take their product offering to the next level. This offering is going to be made available to all users, numbers of which were also announced yesterday to now be 750 million users worldwide.


So, can you see the new chat button on your Facebook page? No, thought not. It’s because it’s at the top of your chat window and you will only see it once you start to chat to someone.


So is it a winner? Well, Facebook hope so, and I guess so do Skype as it has the potential to revolutionise the way we connect with each other, putting Facebook at the hub of everything we do. Other commentators today have hailed this development as one in the eye for Google who only this week announced their own Social offering Google +1, as a completely different way to interact with your friends. With so many people now on Facebook it seems unlikely Google is going to win this battle, particularly as this new functionality makes everything so easy.

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